Searching for eutierria
performance / photo series, 2023 / photos by Oili Kuukasjärvi
Eutierria: A positive feeling of oneness with the earth and its life forces where the boundaries between self and the rest of nature are obliterated and a deep sense of peace and connectedness pervades consciousness. (eu =good, tierra = earth, ia = suffix for member of a group of positive psychoterratic conditions). — G.A. Albrecht
Location based investigation of experiencing the nature. The hat/helmet made from an old lamp shade provided a tool to combine private and public space, to experience awareness of the inner and outer world at the same time. It was available for the audience to use during the exhibition that took place in a garden like environment.
The obliteration of the boundary between the knower and the known, of inside and outside, and the disappearance of time. I would later call this state of mind “eutierria,” or a good Earth feeling. [Albrecht, G. A. (2019). Earth emotions: New words for a new world. Cornell University Press.]
Self-portrait as an Artist (NAM performance)
performance, 2022
The performance was commissioned by Extinction Rebellion as part of their campaign against greenwashing.
In the news, RTV Drenthe:
A few pictures from various performances / NAM photos by Oili Kuukasjärvi: